Data Protection - Quintet Group and affiliates

Data Protection - Quintet Group and affiliates

We are a private bank operating in the European Union and the United Kingdom: we have branches in Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands, an office in Denmark and a subsidiary in the United Kingdom.

At Quintet Private Bank, our first priority is safeguarding your personal data :

What is personal data?

Personal data is information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person. This personal data Personal data is information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual.

What identifies an individual could be as simple as a name or a number or could include other identifiers such as an IP address or a cookie identifier. 

Who does GDPR apply to?

It applies to any organisation that uses or collects information about individuals. 

These organisations are acting either as a controller or as a processor, depending on what their business activities are. 

Quintet Private Bank is a controller for the following data subjects: 

  • Clients, Prospects
  • Board members, employees or candidates 
  • Suppliers including IT providers, contractors, business contacts and other people the bank has a relationship with or may need to contact.

Quintet Private Bank acts as a processor when offering depositary or asset servicing for individuals or professional Clients, such as: 

  • Fund administrators and Financial Intermediaries (FIM), ManCo, Insurance 

What is the role and responsibility of a controller?

Quintet Private Bank holds personal data and determines how and why this personal data is processed. For example, client contact details ( what) is personal data collected in our core banking systems ( how) to enable us to communicate with the client in line with the contract ( for what to do).

We ensure our commitment by deploying measures to meet the requirements of the 7 Data Protection principles: 

  1. Transparency & Lawfulness:

Privacy notices:

Private Client

Professional Client 


Website users 

Quintet Privacy Notice:

EN    FR    DE  NL

B2B Privacy Notice:


Candidate Privacy Notice:


Cookies Policy:


  1. Specific purpose: we collect your information based on the needs and requirements related to the services we provide to you.

  2. Minimisation: we only collect the minimum necessary information in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.

  3. Accuracy: we check that your personal data are up to date during our client file review process. 

  4. Retention: we do not keep your information for longer than necessary.

  5. Security: we have put in place the most appropriate technical and organisational measures to prevent any security incidents. Such measures are regularly tested and reviewed.

  6. Accountability: we are responsible for the processing of personal data , and are able to demonstrate compliance (e.g. we have a record of processing activities that we regularly review.). 

What are your rights?

Be aware that you have control of your information collected by us. You have the right to:

You also have the right to lodge a complaint relating to our processing of your personal data and we will attempt to resolve all complaints in due time.

Please use the following details to contact our Group Data Protection Office: 

EU affiliates

UK subsidiary 

Group Data Protection Officer,
Quintet Private Bank (Europe) S.A. 43, Boulevard Royal - L- 2955 Luxembourg

Supervisory Authority : Commission Nationale pour la Protection des données (CNPD)

DPO designated to CNPD : Maria-Dolores Perez
Brown Shipley Data Protection Officer,
No. 1 Spinningfields 1 Hardman Square Manchester M3 3EB 


Supervisory Authority : Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)

DPO UK: Margaret Hyde 

* Please note some national laws might be subject to a review by the national legislator and consequently update the scope or framework in the relevant country

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